Barrister Babu 20th January 2021 Written Episode Update

Barrister Babu 20th January 2021 Written Episode Update starts with Bondita goes to Binoy. She whispers to Binoy to welcome Sundaram and Devoleena and meantime she will go and bring Anirudh.

Devoleena says that if Sampoorna learns that her parents are not learned properly she will get upset. Devoleena warns Binoy and says he very well knows what will happen if Sampoorna gets upset.

Binoy welcomes them into the mansion asking them to enter. Sundaram laughs reminding Binoy how he had thrown him out when he once came there as his companion.

Anirudh and Bondita come there to welcome the two ( Sundaram and Devoleena ) inside. Trilochan sees them entering inside the mansion. Devoleena glares at him.

Devoleena meets Sampoorna and hugs her, and says that she finally became the queen of the house. She tells Sampoorna that she saw Trilochan while entering the mansion.

She says he is the biggest obstacle on her way to the throne. Sampoorna asks her why she thinks like that. Devoleena says that she is not thinking in that sense nor she is taking stress, else it’s the time of people in this mansion who are going to take the stress.

She reminds her that she is married to Binoy and she should dress up with a heavy saree and expensive golden jewels. Devoleena says that she and Sundaram have taken loan for her to purchase heavy and expensive jewellery and banrasi sarees.

Sampoorna asks what will happen by wearing such clothes now that she has already married Binoy and she has got that position in the mansion.

Barrister Babu 20th January 2021 Written Episode Update

Devoleena teaches her that only when she will look like an owner, people will consider her as the owner of the mansion. She says only if she wears expensive clothes and heavy and beautiful jewellery from top to toe, then only she will look like an owner.

Devoleena says this world is all about showing off. She tells her only if you look like an owner, then people will accept you as owner. She says how Bondita always dresses up with jewels and all.

Bondita comes there and tells Sampoorna that she has brought jewels for her and she says to wear them. Devoleena asks her to call her Sampoorna Maa to Sanpoorna as she is now her mother-in-law and not her sister.

Bondita accepts but says that their love will stay as siblings even though she calls her “Sampoorna Maa”. She asks Sampoorna to sit while she will make her wear the jewellery. Sampoorna sits at the dressing table and Bondita makes her wear all the jewels.

Devoleena thinks that can there be two swords in one Mayan. She thinks only Sampoorna will be reigning the mansion, not Bondita.

Devoleena imagines Sampoorna all dressed up like the owner of the house while Bondita looks like servant without any jewel and poor saree. She decides to teach everything to Sampoorna so that she can pull off Bondita’s power from this house.

Bondita says that Sampoorna is looking beautiful. Devoleena says that her daughter has always been beautiful, only she got blessed first. She says that Bondita is very lucky that she has got the opportunity to dress her mother-in-law and do the ritual.

Barrister Babu Written Episode Update

Devoleena says now Sampoorna is looking like Badi bahu of this mansion. She says that it won’t look good if Trilochan, who is the elder of the mansion, won’t attend the function since everyone will say that he didn’t accept her as Badi Bahu of this mansion.

Bondita suggests Sampoorna go to Trilochan and hold her feet until he doesn’t get convinced as she had done once. Devoleena says that Sampoorna is Trilochan’s twin brother’s wife so she cannot fall at Trilochan’s feet.

She says Trilochan and Sampoorna are almost on the same post in this mansion. Bondita will have to keep her post and respect in mind and react. She says her daughter doesn’t have to live like someone’s footwear but like a crown of the head.

Bondita says respect is earned by winning the hearts of elders. She says whoever bows down, only gets the blessing. She says everyone should live together and live happily is only the responsibility of a good daughter-in-law.

Devoleena says Trilochan will not agree. Devoleena asks to Bondita to convince Trilochan as she is her favourite. Bondita says she only wants Trilochan to accept Sampoorna. She will go and convince him.

On the other hand, some village people are talking to Trilochan and asking how he got his brother married to a widow.

Trilochan asks them not to be worried since he will fix everything and affirms that nothing will change after the wedding. Sampoorna asks Devoleena why she wants Trilochan to attend her rituals. Devoleena asks her to just watch what her mother is going to do.

Barrister Babu Written Update

Bondita hears Trilochan saying that he never backs off from what he says. Bondita agrees that he never backs off from what he once says that he will do. Trilochan asks her if she wants something.

Bondita reminds him of his promise to ask whatever she wants after she brought out the fake girl’s truth. She asks Trilochan to attend Sampoorna’s rituals. Trilochan refuses but Bondita whispers to him that people who are there will think he backs off from his promises.

Bondita excitedly tells Anirudh that Trilochan got convinced. Devoleena overhears that and tells Sampoorna that she knew that. Sampoorna says that Bondita loves her the most and asks Devoleena why she wants Trilochan to attend her functions.

Devoleena says that she should ask Trilochan the keys of the safe as a blessing along with the responsibility of the mansion in front of everyone and Trilochan won’t be able to say no to his elder daughter-in-law so, once she gets the keys, she will become the queen of the mansion.

She tells Sampoorna that she has to fight with herself and her dear ones sometimes to get something. Sampoorna says that she is ready to fight.

Meanwhile, Anirudh tells Bondita that she must call Sampoorna as “Sampoorna Maa” now onwards. The two welcome the guests who are coming to attend the function. Two ladies gossip about how a daughter-in-law is preparing a ritual for her new mother-in-law.

After a while, Trilochan looks at Bondita and Anirudh who are throwing rose petals on the floor on which Sampoorna is walking. Binoy and Sampoorna sit together.

Bondita is happy to see Sampoorna all dressed up with colourful dresses after so much time and says that she and Anirudh will do something special to welcome her. They performed a dance together.

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